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From Daniele Grosso
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Welcome to my website!

I am a physicst. I work at the Department of Physics, University of genoa.

An overview of my training and former positions can be found in brief biography and/or CV.

My main interests are in Research and Development, Didactics and the Societal impact of Research and Didactics.

Areas of interests are mainly (but not only): medical physics, imaging, statistics, data analysis, computational physics, physical computing, astrophysics, nuclear physics, robotics, vision, ML,AI

Information on my activities can be found here: projects, publications, teachings.

I live in continuous learning mode: here some usefull (to me) stuff: notes, howto, links, web links, lists and software sections.

You may contact me at the following address:

Daniele Grosso (Ph.D)
LTD LAB (Low Temperature Detectors LAB)
DIFI (Department of Physics, University of genoa)
INFN (INFN section of Genoa) 
v. Dodecaneso 33, 16146 Genova (GE) - IT 
Tel. +39.347.496.5037
Skype: daniele.grosso.genova,